Free Means Free...
I press on toward the goal for the prize of
the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14
Today was another great day! We went out early this morning and passed out some granola bars on the street as people headed out to work. That was fun! Then we broke off into teams and went prayer walking for an hour or so and then did surveys on the streets until lunch. My group, Melvin and Jacob, had 2 good meetings with 2 different men on the street. We got to share the gospel both times, no decisions, but the seed was planted and there will be follow-up to come!
I think the biggest obstacle hands down, has been the barrier of religious background. Here, it is the cultural thing to be Roman Catholic. So, most people that we run across believe in salvation by works. They believe that by "being a good person" and "doing the right things," that they will gain access to the eternal glory that awaits us. I mean, some of the people that we have spoken with have totally neglected grace. They don't even acknowledge it. I just have such a hard time understanding why GRACE is such a hard concept to conceive! Sometimes I wonder that it may be so hard for some to trust because it is so SIMPLE. Think about it, it is a free gift that requires nothing in return. Here is God giving you His Son and asking you to trust and follow Him and you are willing to turn Him down to do work. It seems like logical people would choose the end that means doing nothing over working toward something. We live in such a lazy society that one would assume most people would choose the easy road, but they don't! So simple, yet so misunderstood and neglected. All I know how to do is keep sowing and trust that God will open the eyes of those that hear. That they will understand how sufficient God's grace is and how BIG and mighty He is. Who are we that we should think that God would need our help to run this world and get things done?! Accept His grace, that is all you need to live! God is soo good.... :)
For by grace you have been saved through faith.
And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of
God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
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