Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Counting It All Joy....

While driving home from, yet another, stressful and frustrating day at work, I started singing an old children's song in my head. I'm sure you know it, it goes a little something like this... (feel free to sing along)
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart;
Down in my heart, down in my heart;
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart;
Down in my heart to STAY!
Last fall, I sat in on a sermon that a friend of mine taught. His topic: JOY! I still remember very vividly some of his key points, only because that was such a struggle for me at the time. He explained the difference between happiness and joy and I remind myself of that so frequently. He stated that happiness comes, and goes for that matter, in circumstances. It's a situational feeling. But joy, it is not a feeling, it is a permanent state of mind. What truth!

Many of you do not know my current situation with work and for that, I will give a BRIEF recap. Essentially, my boss guarenteed me 40 hours a week from May-December, but due to some financial issues, she has cut my hours to 5.5 a day. (just FYI..that only equals 27.5 a week!) So, I have now come to the conclusion that in order to pay my bills each month, I will have to find a part-time job. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not at all mad about the situation, I just wish it would go away OR that my boss would handle it in a different manner that did not recant her first guarantee. More than anything, I am frustrated, confused, and stressed! Now that you have the 411, let me tell you what I have decided that I am going to do.

First, I am going to stay joyful. I am not going to let the enemy come in and ruin my witness. Second, I am going to cling to God's promise that He will "never leave or forsake me." (Deut 31:8) Third, I am going to put Proverbs 3:5-6 into practice in my life and let God amaze me with His goodness. I am going to wholeheartedly stand on the Word of God and claim these promises! I know and trust that He is in control! God is soo good..... :)

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Psalm 51:12


At July 6, 2006 at 12:29:00 PM PDT, Blogger Mindy Rainer said...

Glad to see you have joined in the bloggin'. I'm enjoying reading your thoughts thus far. :) HAVE FUN IN NYC!!


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