The Power of Prayer...

After we dispersed, we headed out to do some prayer walking for about an hour. We spend the first hour or two every morning just walking the streets that we shared with the day before. Praying over the houses and hearts in each home and praying that barriers (language, religions, telephones, pride, etc.) will be broken down and hearts will hear the truth of God's Word and turn from their sin and humble themselves at the feet of the Savior and cry out "Abba, Father!" I have a new found love in prayer walking....!
Then, it was time to do surveys! Knocking on doors is not my favorite thing to do, but we are here to serve and do it with a smile on our faces. So we knock on one particular door and a hispanic man answered. He told us that he was not doing well because his wife is sick and just finished some chemo. So not only was language a barrier, but he also said to us, "I was born Catholic and I will die Catholic." Feeling that the Spirit was not pushing us to share the gospel with this man, we asked if we could say a prayer of blessing and peace for him and he agreed. Timbro prayed a sweet, spirit-filled, God-exalting prayer for this man and his wife and healing for her and blessing and peace and comfort for him and when we finished praying, the man said to us, "I just hope He heard you." Timbo and I both immediately jumped in and assured the man that we have faith that He heard our prayers and that we can trust that because He is our Advocate and best friend. There is no hope, there is faith!
The last reminder about prayer that I had today was from my dear roommate of 409, Jacque, when I was telling her about the man above. She encouraged me in the fact that Jesus Christ Himself is our intercessor! We can boldy approach the throne of Christ and voice our petitions and trust that not only does He hear us, but He cries out on our behalf to the Father. WOW! Paul tells us that the Son "interceeds for us with groanings too deep for words. (Rom 8:26)" How incredible is that?! Not only does He pray and interceed for us, but He does it with so much passion that there are NO WORDS! Let us never underestimate the power of prayer, friends. We serve an amazing and BIG God! God is soo good..... :)
I love reading your posts about what is going on in NY! Hebrews is all about how Christ is our High Priest and we need not a mere human to offer our prayers to God as the Catholic church believes. We have DIRECT access to the Creator and Sustainer of the universe! Read John 17!!!
Love ya bunches
Hello again,
I hope you don't mind me reading your blog again, I had to post your blog on mine because I love to hear how God keeps blessing His children. I believe God has a place close to His heart for the believers who pray always for His help and for others! When you get a chance stop by my blog and read what I have learned about prayer. Thanks and may God be with you always. I remain in Christ,
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