Wednesday, July 05, 2006

All Things Loss...

When I was in high school youth group, we always had a saying that sorta checked our attitudes about idolizing things of this world. We would just look at one another and say, "It's all gonna burn!" I have also heard it said, "He who dies with the most toys, still dies." No matter how you put, you can't take it with you! So why is all of our "stuff" that important?! In Paul's letter to the church at Phillipi, the great apostle teaches us a little something about the importance of recognizing how unimportant "things" should be. Paul states,
"But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for
the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss
because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ
Jesus my Lord. For His sake, I have suffered the loss
of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that
I may gain Christ and be found in Him..."
Philippians 3:7-9a
Think about that! Have you ever really lost something that you loved? Something that you liked a whole lot? I know that I sure have. Even better, have you ever freely given up something that you loved or really liked? If so, did you know the reward you would receive and did you "hand it over" joyfully? Or did you begrudingly pout and forget to acknowledge the Giver and Taker of all things? I wonder why "things" are so much more attractive to me than God's grace and His goodness and seeing His hand pour out all the blessing that I need in this life. I wonder why I struggle with trusting God and sometimes I wonder why I feel like He needs my help to run my pathetic life! I mean, God must seriously get tired of me telling Him that my way is better, and yet, He still rewards me and still provides for me and He has yet to give up on me and let me try things on my own. You see, God knows that we are stupid and have ridiculous ideas about life, He called us sheep for heaven's sake - the dumbest animal created! (And He knows they are stupid because He made them that way!) But God never gives up, His cup never runs dry, His grace is always sufficient, and His love is everlasting. Sometimes I wonder how and why He is so patient with me. A Bethany Dillan song recently reminded of how insignificant all my "stuff" really is and how incredibly sufficient my God is! Here is the chorus of the song, entitled All I Need...
You are all I need when I'm surrounded
You are all I need if I'm by myself
You fill me when I'm empty, there is nothing else
You're all I need
Moral of the story, I need to stop relying on what this world gives. And I need to stop believing that my shortcuts in life are better than God's plan from the beginning of time! Why can't I just trust Him more?! And yet, just like a best friend, He comes along side of me and forgives. Oh how I long to no longer disappoint and be so flaky in my walk with Christ. He is good and His love is forever! He is indeed all that I need! God is so good... :) (ps...35.5 hours till I leave for NY!)
And my God will supply every need of yours
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19


At July 7, 2006 at 8:01:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sis,
Paul said in Romans 7, "For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want" Romans 7:18-19
We see that this is not just a struggle that we face today, but rather a struggle that has existed for 2000 years. The reality is that we still live in this fleshly body and still must fight against the prince of this world, the devil. He longs to convince us, as he did Eve in the garden, that God is not good and that He does not give that which is good. But because we trust in the Word of God, we know that "NO good thing does He withhold from them that walk uprightly" Ps. 84:11.
Be encouraged sis that the victory belongs to the Lord! Satan has been defeated! Keep this song in your mind......"Who [or what] can satisfy my soul like You? Who on earth can comfort me and love me like You do? Who could ever be more faithful, true? I will trust in You. I will trust in You, My God. There is a Fountain, who is the King, victorious Warrior, Lord of everything. My Rock, my Shelter, my very own, Blessed Redeemer, who reigns upon the throne!"


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