Monday, May 25, 2009

Just Been Eating At Me....

So, as I watched television tonight, I found myself more and more frustrated with what I saw and heard. I, along with millions in America, tuned in to TLC's "Jon & Kate Plus 8" season opener and it was quite the "nail biter." It has been broadcast and advertised for weeks that this show would address the growing marital tension between the parents, who are both in the midst of tabloid gossip and paparazzi swarms for rumors of infidelity and scandal. I will admit, I watched the show because I wanted to know what would happen. I wanted to hear their stories. And as we all know, everyone has their own side of every story. And to be completely honest, I was sickened by the things I heard and saw.

It is no secret to most people that know me, I tend to give most people the benefit of the doubt most of time. Unless I know something especially destructive about someone, I will give them their fair opportunity to remain "innocent until proven guilty." Call it a flaw if you will, that's just how I am. So, I was willing to hear them out. Individually and corporately. And my conclusion is THEY ARE BOTH GUILTY!!

I have never had a negative thought toward the show in general. That is their way, as parents, to provide for their children a life that they never had themselves. They have gained tons of exposure as producers, writers, and speakers through the process, and that is fine. I have, however, always thought that there was a lack of mutual respect between the parents and that one in particular, requires perfection from 9 other people that will NEVER be perfect. I have noticed a lack of support in past years and quite the persistent use of "I," "I," "I" from the two lead characters. I feel, that may be what has landed them in the position they currently find themselves. And this is what I think..........

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith,
act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13

STAND UP FOR YOUR MARRIAGE!! I sat on the edge of my seat tonight, wanting SO BADLY to hear one of these two adults, who claim Christ on their show and in conferences that they speak at, to express to the world that divorce is not and never will be an option for their family. Honestly, I know I am not married and have never found myself any of their positions, but even now, as a single college student, I am taking a stand for my own marriage in the future. Divorce, regardless of the situation I find myself and my spouse in, will NEVER be an option. It is off the table. It was never on the table. And it sickens me that so many people, especially those that publicly claim Christ as the Head of their marriage and their own personal lives, even entertain the idea of divorce. And while it seems commendable that both of the parents have vowed that they are "in it" for their children, children are NOT the most important aspect of a marriage. Yes, they play a big role and it is important to keep them a priority, but marriage is FAR bigger! Deciding to just "do what you gotta do" to make sure the kids are ok is not acceptable to me. The LORD commands us to "train a child in the way he should go." Imagine the lessons your sons are learning about becoming leaders and husbands who love their wives the way Christ loved the church. Imagine the lessons your daughters are observing about becoming a submissive wife of noble character. What example are we setting to the world?! We are to be in the world, not of it!!

I know this sounds like a soapbox, but it is far more than that! This is my challenge to each of you, married or not. COMMIT YOUR WAY (and marriage) TO THE LORD!! There will be trials, we can be certain of that, but it is not ok as a child of the LORD to just lay down and die. It is not ok to just accept the way of the world and give in to that. Make a commitment now, whether you are already married, happily or unhappily, or thinking about marriage, or single and hoping one day for that reality, commit to commit, 100%. Trust the LORD that He is in control. That you will not allow the things of this world to influence your decisions, rather, you will through prayer and thought, allow the LORD to lead you and your spouse in your marriage and your corporate pursuit of Him. And in that, you will learn how to lead your family in an eager pursuit of Christ, as a unit.

Ok, I am done now. Sorry if you think I was mean, it's just weighing heavy on my heart. Get it together Christians!! God is good.... :)

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord,
urge you to walk in a manner worthy
of the calling
to which you have been called,
with all humility and gentleness,
with patience,
bearing with one another in love,
eager to maintain the unity of
the Spirit in the bond of peace
Ephesians 4:1-3

Monday, May 11, 2009

As Far As I've Gotten.....

So, for those of you that do not know, I have left my job at All American. Last week was just a horrible week, for numerous reasons, and Monday morning, following a lengthy discussion, my time there had come to an end. My first response was fear and tears. Not gonna lie, I am scared to death. How does one pay bills without a job? My second response, go home!! My vacation was already scheduled to begin on Thursday, so I decided this morning that I would just extend that and spend some extra time with my family. They mean so much to me and I have MISSED them this semester. Praise the Lord that He provides a safe haven for me to be surrounded by love and support. My third, and lasting, response, "I don't know what I am going to do. Trust the Lord is about as far as I have gotten." And that is what I am prepared to do. He is not a provider, He is THE provider. All I have is His. He gives and takes away at His discretion. I have learned so much in my time at this job, but I honestly feel the Lord is preparing me for something more, something way bigger than monograms!! And I am excited to see that play out. He is good and what He does is good. I have been consistently reminding myself today, "my good, His glory."

As I drove home southbound on 65 today, through tear soaked eyes, I had the Gettys playing. A while back, the Lord lead me to their song Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer. I fell in love with it and have had opportunity to pass that along to others in midst of struggles. I am reminded of His faithfulness when I hear the song. Praise the Lord that He is now able to use the song in my life in this time. What an encouragement. The words are amazing but they really don't do it justice without the music. I would encourage you to find the song online (their myspace page for example) and listen to it. Pray for me in this time of job search. I want to honor the Lord. Also please continue to pray for the requests in my last post! Thanks so much. God is GOOD.....

Jesus draw me, ever nearer
As I labor through this storm.
You have called me to this passing,
And I'll follow though I'm worn.

May this journey, bring a blessing.
May I rise on wings of faith.
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake.

Jesus guide me through the tempest
Keep my spirit staid and sure.
When the midnight meets the morning,
Let me love You even more.

May this journey, bring a blessing.
May I rise on wings of faith.
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake.

Let the treasures of the trial,
Form within me as I go.
And at the end of this long passing,
Let me leave them at Your throne.

May this journey, bring a blessing.
May I rise on wings of faith.
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake.