Tuesday, June 26, 2007


My heart is heavy today. I feel like I have come leaps and bounds in my friendship with someone, only to be abandoned. I mean, is it me?! Have I done something wrong!? Is it wrong to express interest in the life of a friend and expect, at least the common decency of a response?! Is all of my investment in vain?! Seriously...at this point I feel like I am just wandering around, lost in the moment. I'm not really sure what God is trying to teach me, but I am content to find rest in His Word and trust that He knows what is best right now for Sarah. I am brokenhearted and weak. I have nothing to offer. But He is still on His throne and sovreign. And He still has a plan for me and my best interest in mind. And He is still good.... :)

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope
without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23