May This Journey Bring A Blessing....
**Ladies and gentlemen (if there are actually any people that read this thing), I would like to apologize for my inconsistencies in the blogging arena the past 18 months. Thanks for your understanding. Life gets crazy far too quickly! So, on with it.**
Yesterday, as I sat in my policy class, which for those of you that are not on my "call regularly to vent" list, you should ask me later about that class, this overwhelming feeling of conclusion hit me. As I sat in my desk, completing volunteer applications for my summer class, it occurred to me that I have about 12 months left in Auburn and those 12 months cannot go by quickly enough. Hear my heart on this.
I LOVE Auburn. And had you asked me 6 years ago if I would ever in my life utter those words, well most you can answer that without hesitation. But this place, this foreign land, has grown on me. I stood my ground for about 3 rebellious years. But I caved. And when I did, I found my heart smitten for this place. I LOVE IT! Period. I love my church, I love the people, I opportunities this town provides, and I love the experience. And I should hope, and tend to honestly believe, that Auburn, in turn, loves me. It has been said that if you love something you have to be able to let it go. I sure hope Auburn lets me go. Because, while I love Auburn, its people, its beauty, its serenity, you name it, I am SO READY to be gone from this place.
As I sat in class, I found myself recounting all the events that have brought me to this conclusion. In 6 years, I have been challenged in every aspect, spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, professionally, and academically. Without hesitation, I can say that this semester has been the most challenging academically thus far. Now, my classes are not hard, per se, but I have been reminded on a daily basis, that this world is not my home. The further I dive into my major and get closer to graduation, the deeper I find myself engulfed with and hardened toward the sins of those around me. Don't get me wrong, the Lord has used Auburn in mighty ways to draw me unto Himself and teach me how to keep my focus on the cross of Christ in all situations, but this semester has been a challenge in the "love those that persecute you" aspect. I have been beaten and bruised for the truth of God's Word on a consistent basis within my major. And while I praise the Lord for giving me the courage to fight the battles day in and day out, one can only imgine how exhausted I have become. Within this semester alone, 15 weeks, I have written 6 papers, totalling over 100 pages of body text, one of those being a 67-page research proposal . To some of you, that may not sound like much. But that was just the paper assignments for 3 of my 4 classes. That doesn't include the mid-terms or regular tests or any of the homework or article analysis that I have also turned in. All while working 2 jobs, 40 hours a week and extracuricular acivities. I don't want your pity. I want you to understand my exhaustion. I need your help.
I need your prayers. Plain and simple. You ask, "how, Sarah, can we be praying specifically?" Well, I can answer that!!! (funny how that works) Other than the first 2 requests, these are in no particular prioritzed order. ha.
1- Within in the next few weeks, I will be officially applying to the Auburn University Social Work Program. The process is strenuous, requiring a personal statement (essay), several letters of recommendation, and a formal interview. Should I not be accepted into the program, I cannot complete this degree that I have so dilligently worked for. Please DO NOT pray specifically for my acceptance. Rather, I want to honor the Lord. Most, if not all, of the faculty members in SOWO have taught me in one or more classes. I was challenged at the beginning of my career within this major (known for all of its paper-writing) to share the gospel in each paper I write. I have, only by the Lord's grace, met that challenge head on for 3 years. Please pray that within my personal statement and interview that I will continue to honor the Lord. I have a very liberal and lost faculty. Pray that I will stand courageous to proclaim Christ in this application process, and that the Lord's will for my life will be made clear and complete, social work degree or not.
Psalm 37:5 -- Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him and He will act.
2- Pray for the unhardening of my heart. I confess that I have grown apathetic toward the sins of others. Through no fault but my own, my heart has grown hard toward sinners within my field of study. For instance, but not limited to, homosexuals. I am constantly reminding myself that Christ shed His precious blood for them as well and my sin is no better than their sin. I have lost interest in sharing the Truth, and in turn, have found my heart apathetic to their sin and the reality of their eternity. I know the Lord has a plan for me in this. Pray that I will take on the character of Christ in Paul, desiring to willingly offer my salvation of the behalf of the lost around me within my major.
Romans 9:3 -- For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh.
3- Pray that the Lord would fill me with energy to complete the work He started. Through many circumstances in my life, the Lord has cultivated within me a heart for service toward other people. He is good. What He does is good. He has called me to this place. He will complete it masterfully. But without Him, all of this is in vain. I am empty. Pray that He will fill me to overflowing and focus my heart on completing the task.
2 Corinthians 4:8-10 --We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.
4- Pray that the Lord would fill me with contentment for the next 12 months. In my 6 years in Auburn, I have never been so homesick. I wish to be with my family more than I can be. I wish to be away from this city. I do not want to be home in Mobile, but I want to get away from Auburn. Pray that the Lord would break my heart for the work that He still has for me here. That His Word will be my home. And that in Him, I will be content to dwell, regardless of where I rest my head. I am in alien, in all senses of the term.
James 1:4 -- And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
There are more ways you can be praying, but these are the most important. The Lord has been good to me. I have complete confidence that the Lord will continue to be good to me. It has not been easy. He never promised that. May I fix my eyes on Him as He perfects me. Thank you friends and loved ones. First, for reading this. I am more than 100% positive there are more interesting topics in the world, thanks for choosing me. Second, thanks for your eternal investment in me. Your prayers have lifted me and sustained me thus far, thank you all for your faithful intercession. And lastly, thanks to each of you for loving me, but better than that, reminding me of that love daily. I am so blessed. God is so good.... :)