So Sweet...
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways
and My thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:9
Lately, primarily meaning the past week and weekend, I have really struggled with trusting God in every little aspect. I have been faced with issues that have nothing to do with me, but that have ROCKED my world in too many ways. But, as always, God has been so faithful and gracious to show mercy and lead me back toward His throne. He has given me so many opportunities to re-establish my foothold in His word and on His promises and He has taught me many lessons through the examples of Godly friends and their lives that echo His. I have been reminded that none of this life is about Sarah and how much easier things would be if I would just lean on His cross and give my burdens and worries of this world to Him. He doesn't need help running my life and I forget that far too often. Oh how I hate learning the same lessons over and over. I pray that God would give me the mindset of Isaiah in times like these to proclaim the power of God in my life. Praise the Lord that his mercies never cease and He continues to restore my soul. He is faithful and worthy of all praise! God is so good...... :)
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
Just to take Him at His word
Just to rest upon His promise
Just to know 'Thus saith the Lord'
Good words.
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