Sunday, January 14, 2007

In the Stillness...

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him…
Psalm 37:7

So, tonight begins LBC’s weeklong Call to Prayer and Fasting. Brother Al, our faithful and God-fearing pastor, preached a powerful sermon last Sunday from Revelation 3. It speaks of the lukewarmness of the church at Laodicea and how that church became one of disgrace and disgust to our Lord. Feeling as though we are marching down the same path as a congregation, Bro. Al called our church to a week of prayer and fasting - prayer as a body every evening of this week from 6-7, fasting from media (internet, music, television, secular literature), and fasting from meals, rather than eat spend breakfast, lunch, or dinner with the Lord. And as I sit in the stillness and silence of my apartment writing this note, I don’t really know what God has in store for LBC this week, but I do know what I hope He accomplishes in my own heart.

I feel that in my own life right now, I have become far too ill content with where God has me. I want to move on to the next level. I am bored with being a 22-year-old single, college woman and I am ready to just move on. Now, am I wrong for that? I think that, in this particular situation, there is a fine line between being wrong and sinning. I feel that it is not wrong, necessarily, for me to desire new things for my life, but when my joy is no longer found in Christ alone and I become apathetic and, to some degrees, angry about my current status, that is when I sin. It doesn’t become a question of sin until my attitude no longer reflects Christ. I also feel that if I have to force myself to be joyful with where God has me, that too crosses the sin line. I shouldn’t have to force myself to be joyful with where God has me, I should just be joyful that God has me, period, the end!

It is my prayer, that by the end of this week, my heart no longer looks forward to tomorrow with desiring eyes, but that I look at each day as an opportunity to trust God and glorify Him as a 22-year-old single, college woman. Because the truth of the matter is, when this ship has sailed, I won’t ever have the opportunity to do that again. Once I graduate college and get married and start having babies, I will have to trust God and glorify Him as a wife and a mother. It is also my prayer that when I find myself becoming ill content with my current standing in life, that I will just fall at the foot of the cross and make that my dwelling place. That I will neglect my bad attitude and just spend some quality time at the feet of my King, my Father, my Savior! Oh that things not be about Sarah, but about Christ and Him crucified, magnified, and glorified.

As I sit silently at my computer, I can’t help but reflect on the words of the first verse of the worship song In The Secret.

In the secret, in the quiet place
In the stillness, You are there.
In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait
Only for You, cause I want to know You more!

I pray that this week not only brings a revival within the body of Lakeview, but in each individual heart, because that is where it all begins. Please pray for me/with me this week! God is so good... :)


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