Thursday, February 22, 2007


Teach me Your way, oh Lord, and I will walk
in Your truth. Give me an UNDIVIDED
heart that I may fear Your name.
Psalm 86:11
So, as most of you know, we (LBC) are in the midst of the downhill descent of the Thailand mission trip. Amongst the 242 workers that went to serve East Asian missionaries and their families were, not only co-workers and church leaders, but also some of my closest and dearest friends. Friends that I rarely go more than two days without seeing and speaking to. Friends that mean the world to me. So, needless to say, my life has been quiet and somewhat lonely as of late. But, in the midst of this loneliness, I have found myself learning how to intercede on a more intimate, urgent level. I have re-learned how to talk to God about my problems and cry out to Him alone when I am struggling and just need a friend to listen. And I have strengthened some relationships with friends that, too, are longing to have the team back on the plains.

I had such an encouraging conversation with one of those friends this evening and I can’t even begin to put into words how much I have learned from this friend. She is wise beyond her years and teaches me with her lifestyle and her contagious love for JESUS!! She and I discussed how much we both have really struggled with selfishness over the past few weeks. How we long to, not only be a part of the group, but to hear more updates, to see more pictures, to get more phone calls, etc. What a blessing to hear that I am not the only one that longs for and struggles with these issues. It is our prayer that as we notice this selfishness that we confess it and then turn from it. That our prideful hearts will learn how to truly be excited about how God is working in the lives of those that we love. That we will be grateful for our friends that are willing and available to serve and be used by our King. And, that we will be encouraged by their obedience to follow the Lord’s call on their lives to take the gospel to the NATIONS!!

And then, in all His sovereignty, God placed the 4th verse of the hymn Amazing Grace on my heart and in my head. Those words put all of life for any Christian into perspective.
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures.
He will my Shield and Portion be
As long as life endures.

They say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” But I say, “Absence makes the heart see the importance of not placing one’s hope in other people.” Yes, I miss my friends, but praise the Lord that I have learned the vitality of finding my hope in Christ alone, who alone is worthy! Trust the Lord, my friends, only He sustains and satisfies our hearts! Continue to pray for those in Thailand until March 2. God is doing a work there that only He is big enough to conjure up. He alone is WORTHY of all praise! Oh how I long for the day when I can meet the missionaries that my friends ministered to. Men and women of God that I have prayed for for over a year. One day we will meet at the throne of Christ. Oh how that can’t come soon enough! God is so good…. :)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Hit Your Knees....

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not
know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit
Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
Romans 8:26

Recently, I have really found myself engulfed in a spirit of intercession. As many of you may know, I have been praying for my father's salvation for a number of years and seen no results. I mean, sometimes, I really just feel like giving up because I have become so burnt out. But then, in the midst of my struggle with this issue, we study Abraham's intercession for Sodom in Genesis 18. Now, just a brief summary. Abraham and his wife Sarah have been given a promise by the Lord. God has promised that Abraham will be the "father of multitude of nations," but he and Sarah have no children and are well past child-bearing age. So, in Gen 18, the Lord comes and reveals to them that Sarah will bear a child. Then, later in the chapter, the Lord makes mention of Sodom and the ruin that is coming for the city. Now, coincidentally, Lot, Abraham's nephew, and his family live in Sodom. The Lord says that He is planning on destroying the city of Sodom and Abraham, in an almost unreal way, bargains with the Lord to not destroy the city if He finds 10 righteous people there. (Lot and his family = 10 people)

Now, Abraham has just painted for us the most INCREDIBLE picture of intercession. He took a chance and stood in the gap between Sodom and the Lord and he pleads for the city. He knew that there was an urgent need, and thus, he interceded. His intercession for Lot and the city of Sodom was persistent and specific, but not presumptuous! And because he cared about the spiritual state and lack of relationship that they had with the Father, he chose to put his neck on the line for them. He poured himself out in prayer for those people. And what happened?

Well, we read in chapter 19 that the Lord did not find 10 righteous people in Sodom, so He destroyed the city. But, in His mercy, He spared Lot and 2 of his daughters. Then, it goes on to talk about Abraham watching the city of Sodom be destroyed. Now, what do you think? Was Abraham's intercession for Sodom and Lot in vain?! NO WAY!! God was glorified in the destruction of Sodom and God was exalted in the intercessory prayers of Abraham.

The same goes for you and me. When you seem like you have prayed and prayed for the same thing or person over and over and still see no results, just remember to press on. Intercession is not about the prayer or the prayed, it is about the glory of God! When we learn to hit our knees, that is when God is exalted high. Yes, it is easy to become discouraged and burnt out, but don't. On your knees before the throne of God in sweet conversation with the King of the universe is the most sacred place anyone could ever find themselves. Friends, let's humble ourselves and lift others up to our King. I feel like I have prayed for my dad's salvation far too long for far too few results, but I still do it! And I am determined to stay on my knees for my dad until he comes to know the Lord or Jesus picks me up and takes me home, because while Jesus was here on earth, and even now in Heaven on the throne, He intercedes for me. Be encouraged! God is big enough to hear and respond to the prayers of His people! God is so good... :)